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Kuma Qualifies! - Claim Your Tax Credit

Tax Credit Qualified

It's back! A federal tax credit for the purchase and installation of a high efficient wood stove is available through December 31, 2020. Just make sure you invest in a high efficiency heater like Kuma's new line of low emission wood stoves.

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Home is Where The Hearth is.

Home is where the hearth is - Wood Stoves
"Home is where the Wi-Fi connects automatically"?  Too often, I am finding myself sitting on the couch connected to Wi-Fi browsing the latest news stories that Google tells me I want to read. All the while I have a beautiful crackling fire on the hearth...

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Do Hot Fires Always Burn Cleaner?

Hybrid Burn w/ wood stove

The easiest way to clean up a wood fire is to burn it hot, so many manufacturer's use thermal combustion (hot secondary combustion) to make their stoves burn clean.  The problem is...

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Why Efficiency Is So Important

Hauling Wood to a wood stove

Over the life of a stove (let's say 15 years for example) Investing in Kuma's efficient Hybrid Technology would save you nearly $2,000 in fuel costs, which is equal to 23,000 lbs of wood that you do not need to chop, stack and haul into the house. 

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A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

wood stove shed 01

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, or until the end of March or so, after its kept you warm all winter! (It’s been quite a few years since my woodshed has had only firewood in it.  Or wait, it looks like something non-firewood snuck in there before I snapped this picture! Do you see her?  That’s Sapper! I don’t know about you, but I consider firewood a thing of beauty.  I like to snap pictures of anybody and everybody’s firewood store, whether it be a pile in process, a neatly tarped stack, a sturdy shed full, or a convenient porch stash.

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Happy Birthday Mark

Mark Freeman, Kuma Stoves
Happy Birthday Mark, and Happy Autumn to the extended Kuma Family! October 12, is the boss’ birthday.  He grew up on a 90 acre almond farm, his family being part of the network of Blue Diamond growers. Many a day as a youth he spent pruning miles of trees.

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Bugoni's Serious Steak Seasoning

Bugoin's Steak Seasoning on the Pellet Grill

I recently decided that our selection of BBQ seasoning and rubs needed to be refreshed.  In looking around a bit, I discovered Bugoni’s Spices, and decided to give their Superior Steak Seasoning a try.  Now, I am sure you are perceptive enough to see that the above photo is actually chicken!  When I opened my Bugoni’s Steak Seasoning and gave it a sniff, I decided it smelled like it would also be delicious on chicken…

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Kale Chips

Kale Boquet

The kale is flourishing in the garden this year.


If you are like some of our kids, then you may not appreciate kale in a cooked vegetable side dish sort of way.  So, we have found the following ways that even they can enjoy kale:

1. A bouquet, as photographed above, accentuated with a of the kale non-appreciators is a girl.

2. A smoothie. For some reason kale smoothies are trending right of the kale non-appreciators is a teenager.

3. And our recipe for today… Kale chips on the Kuma grill!

 We made these last night, and they got the stamp of approval from everyone in the family- including the non-appreciators

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Celebrating Made In America Day


A couple months ago, my family took a trip to the East Coast to visit some of America’s historical sites.  This is a picture taken from the Lincoln Memorial looking toward the Washington Monument.

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