An Early Kuma Fireplace Insert

Did you know that the 1st Kuma stove was built on the back of a Chevy Pickup? Although this is not the 1st stove, it is a very early model taken with a Kodamatic instant camera circa 1983. If you ever need to speak with our production or engineering department, you will likely be talking to one of these little dudes in the picture. Learn more about our story here:
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Comments (1)
We bought our insert in the late 80s from Mark he came and installed it after we saw his line at the local fair. We have loved it every season we used it. We are looking into doing a change out to a Wood stove and are thinking of driving to their factory's location and picking it up. Wouldnt want any other brand its been that great.
Gaylene Fresno,Ca
1/3/2021 6:11 PM